joi, 18 decembrie 2008

haine noi

liquid thoughts is da obstescul sfarsit.
am crescut, a fost bine while it lasted, acum trecem la nivelul urmator, pe mine ma veti gasi de acum pe . Va fi un blog personal, despre online, proiecte personale si activitatea mea din vitality media.
see you there!

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

NetCAMP 2008

Live Blogging de la NetCamp.

9:20: A inceput conferinta, modereaza Cristi Manafu, primul vorbitor: Presedintele Mozilla Europe, Tristan Nitot.

T. Nitot: The web is 15 years old.
The initial networks were proprietary. Ex:MSN, Compuserver, AOL.
Initially it was a system for scientist to publish their work and access the information for free.
Should we have left it to the industry, there would be no web!
Web is possible through the open standards.